Activity posts

  1. Kostas spreading the word about mass loss of RSGs
  2. Congratulations Dr. de Wit!
  3. Observing time granted in both ESO/VLT and GTC
  4. ASSESS meets Alex de Koter, Emily Levesque, and Henry Lamers
  5. Observing from ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile
  6. New students contributing to the ASSESS project
  7. ESO time granted for P112
  8. Contributing to the 16th Hellenic Astronomical Conference
  9. Postdoctoral position on modeling evolved massive stars II
  10. Contributing to the 2023 VFTS meeting
  11. Stathis completed and presented his MSc thesis
  12. ESO time granted for P111
  13. GTC time for 2023A semester granted
  14. MSc student to work with Gaia and ASSESS data
  15. Contribution to the XV meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society
  16. Granted time at GTC for 2022B
  17. Contributing to the VFTS meeting
  18. Participating at the Summer School in Statistics for Astronomers XVII
  19. Seminar for TLS Tautenburg
  20. ASSESS welcomes summer student
  21. ASSESS team joined the IAUS 361 in Ireland
  22. MSc student joins the effort
  23. ASSESS group meeting photos
  24. New PostDoc joins the team
  25. New PhD students
  26. Observing time granted!
  27. Group changes !
  28. ASSESS Team on IAUS 366 on the Origin of Outflows in Evolved Stars
  29. PhD position on characterizing evolved, dusty massive stars in nearby galaxies II
  30. Talks from the 15th Hellenic Astronomical Conference
  31. ASSESS group meeting and photo
  32. PhD position on characterizing evolved massive stars in nearby galaxies
  33. ASSESS team on 15th Hellenic Astronomical Conference
  34. ASSESS team on EAS 2021
  35. Postdoctoral position on modeling evolved massive stars
  36. Observations obtained !
  37. Preparing for MOS observations with the GTC
  38. ASSESS team participates in IAU Symposium 361
  39. GTC observing proposal accepted
  40. ESO observing proposal accepted
  41. Machine-learning workshop at NOA
  42. The ASSESS group photo 2019