
Conference participation:

  • 16-18 September 2024: VLT-FLAMES TaranTula Survey Meeting 2024, Madrid, Spain
    • Talk: “Episodic mass loss discovered in two extreme RSG in the LMC” – Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez
    • Talk: “Establishing a mass-loss rate relation for Red Supergiants” – Kostas Antoniadis
  • 13-14 August 2024: Focus Meeting 4: Bridging the final stages of massive stars to supernovae and transients, XXXII IAU GA, Cape Town, South Africa.
    • Invited Talk: “Variable massive stars” – Alceste Bonanos
    • Poster: “Establishing a mass-loss rate relation for Red Supergiants” – Kostas Antoniadis
  • 24-28 June 2024: Physics of Extreme Massive Stars, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    • Talk: “J-band spectroscopy of mass losing red supergiants in low metallicity galaxies” – Evangelia Christodoulou
    • Talk: “Episodic mass loss discovered in two extreme RSG in the LMC” – Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez
  • 9-15 June 2024, Supernova Remnants III, Chania, Greece
    • Talk: “Establishing a mass-loss rate relation for red supergiants“ – Kostas Antoniadis
    • Poster: “[W60] B90: a mass-losing luminous RSG in the LMC interacting with the CSM“ – Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez
    • Poster: “Discovery of an extreme Red Supergiant in the LMC transitioning to a Blue Supergiant “ – Maria Kalitsounaki
    • Poster: “Obtaining accurate parameters of Type IIP progenitors in NGC 6822, IC 10 & WLM” – Evangelia Christodoulou
    • Poster: “Evidence for episodic mass loss in red supergiants from the ASSESS project” – Alceste Bonanos
  • 26-28 June 2023: 16th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Athens, Greece
    • Talk: “Results of the ASSESS project: Episodic Mass Loss in Evolved Massive Stars: Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe“ – Alceste Bonanos
    • Talk: “Investigating the effect of mass loss of Red Supergiants in the Small Magellanic Cloud“ – Manos Zapartas
    • Talk: “Investigating the populations of dusty evolved stars in various metallicities with machine learning“ – Grigoris Maravelias
    • Poster: “The mass-loss rates of Red Supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud” – Konstantinos Antoniadis
    • Poster: Near Infrared Spectroscopy of red supergiants in NGC 6822, IC 10 & WLM with EMIR” – Evangelia Christodoulou
    • Poster: “Variable massive stars in the Andromeda galaxy using the Gaia Data Release 3” – Stella Avgousti
    • Poster: “New B[e] supergiants and candidate Luminous Blue Variables in nearby galaxies from the ASSESS project” – Grigoris Maravelias
    • Poster: “A luminous RSG in the LMC with a bow shock?” – Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez
  • 27-29 March 2023: VFTS meeting, Garching, Germany
    • Talk: “Temperatures of RSG in nearby galaxies“ – Stephan de Wit
    • Talk: “Mass loss rates of RSG in the LMC (and NGC 6822)“ – Konstantinos Antoniadis
    • Talk: “A luminous RSG in the LMC with a bow shock?“ – Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez
    • Poster: “Near Infrared Spectroscopy of red supergiants in NGC 6822, IC 10 & WLM with EMIR” – Evangelia Christodoulou [poster link]
  • 5-9 September 2022: XV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society, Tenerife, Spain,
    • Poster: “ASSESSing evolved massive stars in NGC 6822 and IC 10” – Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez [poster link]
  • 20-23 June 2022: VFTS meeting, Heidelberg, Germany
    • Talk: “ASSESSing Red Supergiants, in the Local Group … and beyond!” – Stephan de Wit
  • 8-13 May 2022: IAU Symposium 361: “Massive Stars Near and Far, Ballyconnell, Ireland
    • Talk: “Introducing the ASSESS project: Episodic Mass Loss in Evolved Massive Stars – Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe” – Alceste Bonanos
    • Talk: “Using machine-learning to investigate the populations of dusty evolved stars in various metallicities” – Grigoris Maravelias [arXiv link]
    • Poster: “Progenitors and companions of stripped-envelope supernovae” – Manos Zapartas
    • Poster:“Properties of dusty Red Supergiant stars in the Magellanic Clouds” – Stephan de Wit
    • Poster: “ASSESSing evolved massive stars in NGC 6822 and IC 10” – Gonzalo Munoz Sanchez
  • 1-5 November 2021: The Origin of Outflows in Evolved Stars IAU Symposium 366, Virtual Meeting
    • Talk: “Introducing the ASSESS project: Episodic Mass Loss in Evolved Massive Stars: Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe” – Alceste Bonanos
    • Poster: “Studying evolved massive stars in nearby galaxies using a photometric machine-learning classifier – Grigoris Maravelias
  • 5 – 8 July 2021: The 15th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Virtual
    • Talk: “Applying machine-learning methods to build a photometric classifier for massive stars in nearby galaxies” – Grigoris Maravelias [YouTube link]
    • Talk: “Spectral analysis of evolved massive stars in the SMC and LMC” – Stephan de Wit [YouTube link]
    • Talk: “Evolved massive stars in the Magellanic Clouds” – Ming Yang [YouTube link]
    • Poster: “Bouncing against the Yellow Void – the case of rho Cas” – Grigoris Maravelias [YouTube link]
  • 28 June – 2 July, 2021: European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 2021, Virtual
    • Plenary Talk: “New developments and challenges in massive star evolution ” – Alceste Bonanos
    • Poster: “Applying machine-learning methods to build a photometric classifier for massive stars in nearby galaxies” – Grigoris Maravelias [poster link]
    • Poster: “Evolved massive stars in the Magellanic Clouds” – Ming Yang [poster link]
    • Poster: “A new automated tool for the spectral classification of OB stars” – Elias Kyritsis (incl. Grigoris Maravelias) [poster link]
  • September 9-13, 2019: Workshop: A Synoptic View of the Magellanic Clouds – VMC, Gaia and Beyond, Garching, Germany,
    • Talk: “Evolved massive stars in the Magellanic Clouds” – Ming Yang
  • July 17-19, 2019: Computational Intelligence in Remote Sensing and Astrophysics workshop, FORTH, Crete, Greece,
    • Talk: “Automated classification of massive stars in nearby galaxies” – Grigoris Maravelias
  • July 8-11, 2019: 14th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Volos, Greece
    • Talk: “Automated classification of massive stars in nearby galaxies” – Grigoris Maravelias
  • June 24-28, 2019: EWASS 2019, SS17, Lyon, France
    • Talk: “The key ingredients: mass, binarity and mass loss” – Alceste Bonanos
  • June 3-8, 2019: Supernova Remnants II, Crete, Greece
    • Poster: “Identifying massive stars in nearby galaxies, in a smart way” – Grigoris Maravelias
    • Poster: “Evolved Massive Stars at Low-metallicity: A Source Catalog for the Small Magellanic Cloud” – Ming Yang
  • Observing Runs:

    • 2024
      ✔ 28 hours at 10.4m GTC (Semester 2024A)
      ✔ 17.5 hours at 8.2m VLT-ESO (Period 113)
    • 2023
      ✔ 31.5 hours at 10.4m GTC (Semester 2023A)
      ✔ 18 hours at 8.2m VLT-ESO (Period 111)
      ✔ 1.5 nights at 8.2m VLT-ESO (Period 112)
    • 2022
      ✔ 3.1 hours at 8.2m VLT-ESO (Period 110)
      ✔ 15 hours at 10.4m GTC (Semester 2022B)
      ✔ 4.2 hours at 8.2m VLT-ESO (Period 109)
      ✔ 24.8 hours at 10.4m GTC (Semester 2022A)
      ✔ 2 hours at 3.6m TNG (service night)
      ✔ ~4 hours at 6.5m Baade-LCO (engineering time)
    • 2021
      ✔ ~0.5 hours at 6.5m Baade-LCO (engineering time)
    • 2020
      ✔ 39 hours at 8.2m VLT-ESO (Period 105)
      ✔ 42 hours at 10.4m GTC (Semester 2020A)
      ✔ ~1 hour at 6.5m Baade-LCO (engineering time)
    • 2019
      ✔ ~2 hours at 6.5m Baade-LCO (engineering time)
    • 2018
      ✔ ~1 hour at 6.5m Baade-LCO (engineering time)

    Workshop Organization:

    Dissemination activities:

    • Sep 26, 2024: IAU G2 online conference series, Virtual
      Talk: “Episodic Mass Loss in Evolved Massive Stars: Insights from the ASSESS project” – Alceste Bonanos
    • June 5, 2024: Institute for Astrophysics (FORTH) seminar, Heraklion, Greece
      Talk: “Episodic mass loss in two evolved Red Supergiants in the LMC” – Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez
    • June 4, 2024: seminar at the Observatory of Bologna, Bologna, Italy (virtual)
      Talk: “Establishing a mass-loss rate relation for red supergiants” – Kostas Antoniadis
    • May 10, 2024: seminar at IAASARS – National Observatory of Athens, Penteli, Greece
      Talk: “Physical parameters of red supergiants in nearby galaxies” – Stephan de Wit
    • November 21, 2023: ESO Santiago Office, Santiago, Chile
      Talk: “The luminous, red supergiant [W60] B90: a Betelgeuse analog in the LMC” – Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez
    • November 30, 2022: University of Athens Colloquium, Athens, Greece
      Talk: “Episodic Mass Loss in Evolved Massive Stars: Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe (ASSESS)” – Alceste Bonanos
    • June 21, 2022: Seminar at Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg (virtual)
      Talk: “The ASSESS classifier: a machine-learning tool to uncover populations of evolved massive stars in nearby galaxies” – Grigoris Maravelias
    • November 1-3, 2019: 11th Panhellenic Conference on Amateur Astronomy, Volos, Greece
      Talk: “rho Cas and its 2013 outburst – comparing visual to digital observations” – Grigoris Maravelias