Postdoctoral position on modeling evolved massive stars II

The Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens invites applications for 1 postdoctoral position on modeling evolved massive stars in nearby galaxies in the framework of the ERC consolidator grant titled “Episodic Mass Loss in Massive Stars: Key to Understanding the …

Stathis completed and presented his MSc thesis

About a year ago Stathis Athanasiou joined our team to work on cross-matching sources from the Hubble Space Telescope to those detected from the ASSESS observations. After a whole year of efforts he managed to complete his thesis and defend it successfully ! Details of the thesisTitle: Mass-loss rates of …

GTC time for 2023A semester granted

We have a successful record of observing proposals with GTC to observe a number of Northern Galaxies for the ASSESS project. Although we got time in 2022A semester (~25 hours with OSIRIS) we did not manage to obtain the observations. The instrument was offered on a shared risk mode as …

Contribution to the XV meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society

Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez traveled to Tenerife (Spain) for a week in September (5-9), to participate in the XV scientific meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society. There he presented his work from the reduction of GTC multi-object spectroscopic data we have obtained for NCG 6822 and IC 10 galaxies. The poster is …

Participating at the Summer School in Statistics for Astronomers XVII

For the 17th year, Penn State’s Center for Astrostatistics offered its week-long Summer School in statistical methodology for astronomy. The School provides an intensive program in statistical inference covering topics such as principles of probability and inference, regression and model selection, bootstrap resampling, multivariate clustering and classification, Bayesian data analysis, …