Contributing to the 16th Hellenic Astronomical Conference

During 26-28 of July (2023), the ASSESS group actively participated in the 16th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, held in Athens. In total, we had three talks and five posters accepted. Alceste Bonanos provided an overview of the “Results of the ASSESS project: Episodic Mass Loss in Evolved Massive Stars: Key to …

Contribution to the XV meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society

Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez traveled to Tenerife (Spain) for a week in September (5-9), to participate in the XV scientific meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society. There he presented his work from the reduction of GTC multi-object spectroscopic data we have obtained for NCG 6822 and IC 10 galaxies. The poster is …

ASSESS team joined the IAUS 361 in Ireland

The IAU Symposium 361: “Massive Stars Near and Far” was held in Ballyconnell, Ireland in the week of 8-13 May 2022. That was our first in-person meeting since the start of the pandemic, and the ASSESS team took advantage of the opportunity to travel to Ireland to present our work. …

ASSESS team participates in IAU Symposium 361

The ASSESS team is joining the Massive Stars IAU Symposium 361 titled “Massive Stars Near and Far“, held in Ballyconnell, Ireland (May 18-22). The SOC has offered Alceste a talk “Introducing the ASSESS project: Episodic Mass Loss in Evolved Massive Stars: Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe”, while while …