Observing time granted in both ESO/VLT and GTC

Our successful record of observing proposal continues also in 2024! We managed to obtain highly competitive observing time in two of the largest facilities in the world. We are going to use the FORS2 instrument at 8.2m ESO/VLT, as well as OSIRIS at 10.4m GTC. The granted time is ~17.5 …

ASSESS meets Alex de Koter, Emily Levesque, and Henry Lamers

As we are actively working on a series of forthcoming papers, we are meticulously refining the final stages of data analysis and interpretation. Especially when encountering new and exciting results we must be careful to not overlook any potential issues. While our expertise in Red Supergiants is well-established, seeking additional …

Observing from ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile

Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez and Evangelia Christodoulou traveled this November to Chile, and more specifically to the ESO’s Very Large Telescope facility in Paranal. The purpose of their trip was to get the data for a project that was awarded ~1.5 nights at the very competitive FORS2 instrument. The goal was to …

ESO time granted for P112

Another successful ESO proposal! We managed to get about 1.5 nights for cycle P112, and in visitor mode! So, now that we are free to travel, we will have the PhD students Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez (PI of the project) and Evangelia Christodoulou to travel to Paranal and observe from there. The …

Contributing to the 16th Hellenic Astronomical Conference

During 26-28 of July (2023), the ASSESS group actively participated in the 16th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, held in Athens. In total, we had three talks and five posters accepted. Alceste Bonanos provided an overview of the “Results of the ASSESS project: Episodic Mass Loss in Evolved Massive Stars: Key to …

Postdoctoral position on modeling evolved massive stars II

The Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens invites applications for 1 postdoctoral position on modeling evolved massive stars in nearby galaxies in the framework of the ERC consolidator grant titled “Episodic Mass Loss in Massive Stars: Key to Understanding the …