Muñoz-Sanchez et al. 2024b: The dramatic transition of the extreme Red Supergiant WOH G64 to a Yellow Hypergiant

G. Muñoz-Sanchez, M. Kalitsounaki, S. de Wit, K. Antoniadis, A.Z. Bonanos, E. Zapartas, K. Boutsia, E. Christodoulou, G. Maravelias, I. Soszynski, and A. Udalski Red Supergiants (RSGs) are cool, evolved massive stars in the last evolutionary stage before exploding as a supernova. However, the most luminous RSGs may evolve blueward …

Observing from ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile

Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez and Evangelia Christodoulou traveled this November to Chile, and more specifically to the ESO’s Very Large Telescope facility in Paranal. The purpose of their trip was to get the data for a project that was awarded ~1.5 nights at the very competitive FORS2 instrument. The goal was to …

ESO time granted for P112

Another successful ESO proposal! We managed to get about 1.5 nights for cycle P112, and in visitor mode! So, now that we are free to travel, we will have the PhD students Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez (PI of the project) and Evangelia Christodoulou to travel to Paranal and observe from there. The …