ASSESS team joined the IAUS 361 in Ireland

The IAU Symposium 361: “Massive Stars Near and Far” was held in Ballyconnell, Ireland in the week of 8-13 May 2022. That was our first in-person meeting since the start of the pandemic, and the ASSESS team took advantage of the opportunity to travel to Ireland to present our work. …

Maravelias et al. 2022: A machine-learning photometric classifier for massive stars in nearby galaxies I. The method

A machine-learning photometric classifier for massive stars in nearby galaxies I. The method Grigoris Maravelias, Alceste Z. Bonanos, Frank Tramper, Stephan de Wit, Ming Yang, Paolo Bonfini Context. Mass loss is a key parameter in the evolution of massive stars. Despite the recent progress in the theoretical understanding of how …

Observing time granted!

Around Christmas of 2021 Santa brought us two gifts, one just before the holidays and another … just after! We are definitely not disappointed! Two of our proposals have been granted observing time (while another one at ESO didn’t make it this time). We got 4.2 h with FORS2 multislit …

Maravelias & Kraus 2022: Bouncing against the Yellow Void — exploring the outbursts of ρ Cas from visual observations

Bouncing against the Yellow Void — exploring the outbursts of ρ Cas from visual observations Grigoris Maravelias and Michaela Kraus Massive stars are rare but of paramount importance for their immediate environment and their host galaxies. They lose mass from their birth through strong stellar winds up to their spectacular …